WOD – Monday 10/21

Group mobility session

Spend :30 on any machine
10 deadlifts
10 bent over rows
10 front squats
10 strict press
Add a little bit of weight to your bar
Spend :30 on any machine
8 deadlifts
8 hang cleans
8 front squats
Add a little bit of weight to your bar, or don’t
Spend :30 on any machine
4 power cleans
4 front squats
Add a little weight
4 squat cleans
*burn will complete 4 rounds with a KB
:30 on any machine
10 KB deadlifts
10 Russian KBS
10 goblet squats

CF Strength
Weightlifting complex – 1 squat clean + 3 front squats
*complete 1 rep E:90 for 5 reps total
The difference between a squat clean and a power clean is obviously the squat. Something else that is obvious is how hard it is to catch a bar in a good squat. One where the bar is high up on the rack position, the hips are between the heels and the torse is as upright as possible. What is not obvious is that the efficiency of the pull is going to greatly affect the quality of your catch position. In order to focus on an idea where execution determines the outcome and can be fixed in a number of different ways, we are going to really dial in keeping the bar close through the 2nd pull of the lift.

We really need to work on our execution of the HSPU. Too many of us are still setting up and completing these reps incorrectly. And when done this way we are not only preventing our most efficient movement patterns but we are way more susceptible to injury. So let’s start with the most basic form of the movement, the down dog push-up and really dial in the correct form before we go upside down.

“Team Speed”
15 min AMRAP
200m run
15/12 cals AB
12 HSPU’s
Intended stimulus – because the first two movements are monostructural, we can really focus on the high skill gymnastics movement based on our current abilities and goals. Find 80% from the very beginning and try to hold yourself accountable on the run and bike.

Do you want to start to incorporate HSPU’s in workouts but 12 a round is just too many, simply cut down on the reps and force yourself inverted. The athletes who excel upside down will be able to knock these out in an unbroken set at least in the beginning. So if you are going to scale the reps, try to find something you can do in 1 or 2 sets.
*remember if you are going to scale the HSPU; push-ups, down dog push-ups, piked push-ups on a box or 1 10# plate and 1 abmat.

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