WOD – Monday 3/9

Today is another day in which we have an opportunity to use our position as fitness-minded individuals to help others. Today at the 4:15 we will play a little knockout tournament. $1 to enter, winner gets a prize, and all money raised goes to help feed the hungry people of Africa. Come show up a bit before 4 to get warmed up and stretched out. We will go over rules and send a huge line at 4.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds of evolving movements
15 air squats/back squats
3 inchworms

The Port squat mobility session

CF Strength
Back squat – 5×5 @90% of 3/2
Look back to your heavy set of 5 from last week. Warm up to 90% of that weight and complete 5 sets of 5. It shouldn’t feel super heavy, so if it does, feel free to take a little bit of weight off. If it doesn’t, don’t add weight just because.

10 min AMRAP
200m run
10 squat cleans (95/65#)(75/55#)
Intended stimulus – might be one of the trickier paces to find. You definitely don’t want to sprint the run, but jogging it might not get you back in the door quick enough during this 10 min AMRAP. The run will really be the factor that will determine whether or not you hit the stimulus. Push the run and be deliberate on the bar. The weight should be light enough so that 10 squat cleans in a row is not out of the question.

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