Burn – Friday 12/13

Friday the 13th! Snuck in there in the very last month.

500/400m row
Then, 2 rounds
15 banded pull-throughs
:30 plank hold
5 inchworms

Posterior chain prep

Burn Strength
A1. DB deadlifts – 8×8 with a :03 negative
A2. Plank hold, banded rows – 8×8 (only do 8 on one side per round, so only 4 sets per side)
No rest between A1 and A2, only :30 rest between sets

Burn WOD
All sprints…
:30 AB sprint
:30 Russian KBS
:30 box jumps
Rest 1:30, x4
Intended stimulus – just like Tuesday’s workout, the goal is to find a pace that you can sustain and complete the same number of reps per round. Unlike Tuesday’s workout, the working time is much lower and the work to rest ratio is 1:1. You know what that means. The pace you should try to hold is the one where the accelerator is all the way down to the floor. Pedal to the metal.

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