Burn – Monday 1/6

The 800g challenge starts today! I am pumped to get a little consistency back in my diet. Ask your coaches for details if you are not sure of what I am talking about.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds for quality
5 inchworms with an up/down dog
10 double KB front squats
15 banded good mornings

Squat mobility series

Burn Strength
A. 3 rounds
10 Bulgarian split squats (rear leg elevated)
10 robots (curl to shoulder press)
20 feet elevated Russian twists
B. 2 rounds
20 banded good mornings
20 banded air squats
20 baned pull aparts

Burn WOD
1 round, AFAP
30/25 cals row
30 DB thrusters
30/25 cals row

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