Burn – Tuesday 5/7

New Coffee with the coaches coming this week and I am very excited about this topic. Stay tuned for what promises to be a good one.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 4 min AMRAP
10 hanging movements, evolving as you warm up (kip swings, hanging knee tucks, T2B)
10 ring rows
10 banded pull-aparts

Quick shoulder mobility

Burn Skill
10 min EMOM
Complete 5 short rope pull-ups using rope climb footwork

Burn WOD
24 min EMOM – :50’s of work, :10 of transition time
1. Cals AB
2. KB front rack hold
3. Weighted sit-ups
4. Rest
So both KB’s must stay out front and the elbows should be forward as you would in a front squat. Keep the hips and shoulders in line and try to not overextend the spine to support the weight. Squeeze your glutes to take the load out of your lower back.

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