CF and Burn WOD – Tuesday 2/11

Work through the following with intent
10e DB snatch
15/12 cals row
20t lunges
10e DB hang clean and jerk
15/12 cals row
20 sit-ups

Spend time with mobility and stability as the focus

CF and Burn WOD
“Old Crow”
Complete the following for time
500m row
30 DB snatches
500m row
30 DB hang clean and jerks
500m row
30 DB step-ups
25/20 cals AB
30 DB snatches
25/20 cals AB
30 DB hang clean and jerks
25/20 cals AB
30 DB step-ups
Intended stimulus – the length of any workout determines the theoretical pace that you should try to hold. The shorter the workout the faster I can go because I do not have to hold that pace for very long, I.e. Fran. As you add minutes to the time, the ideal pace starts to slow down. The longer workouts should be approached cautiously, knowing that if you go too hard, too fast, you won’t make it through. Think Murph. Today is a longer workout, taking anywhere between 22 and 32 minutes. Knowing that pacing your rows and your bikes as such will greatly determine your success in this WOD. Everything is done with 1 DB (Rx 50/35#) and all the reps are total reps. Different movements have different standards in terms of alternating sides. So pay attention to your coaches and make sure you have a good understanding before beginning.

A1. Sumo deadlifts – 4×8
A2. GHD or weighted sit-ups – 4×15
A1 should be done with a “light” to “moderate” weight.
A post-WOD strength session. Complete in the back before taking off.

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