Tuesday – 5/11

The Port


10 Floor Scrapers
5 Inchworm Push-Ups
5e Spiderman Rotations
:30 Squat Hold
10 Cossack Squats
10t Samson Lunges w/ a twist
5e Tabletop Hip Circles Each Way
20t Bird Dogs

+ 3 Rounds:
5 Ring Rows
10 Wall Ball Front Squats
100m Shuttle Run


Back Squat (15-18min to Find a 1RM Back Squat)
We will be using this for our upcoming Back Squat Cycle.

Burn Strength

A: Banded Hip Bridge (4 X 10)
B: Weighted reverse lunges (4 X 8e)
1 KB in the Suitcase Hold Position. 8 reps on 1 leg, then 8 reps on the other.


For Time:
40 Wall Balls
20 Pull-Ups
100m Med Ball Run

30 Wall Balls
15 Pull-Ups
200m Med Ball Run

20 Wall Balls
10 Pull-Ups
300m Med Ball Run

10 Wall Balls
5 Pull-Ups
400m Med Ball Run

Burn WOD

5 Rounds:
15 Wall Balls
10 Ring Rows or 5 Strict Pull-Ups
200m Run


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