Friday – 10/15

The Port – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


6 BB Deadlifts

6 Hang Muscle Cleans

6 Strict Press – Push Press

10 Box Step-Ups – Box Jumps

As you move through the warm-up, progress both the movements as well as the speed in which are you moving through each round.

+ Banded Shoulder Mobility


Push Press (Find a Heavy 7-Rep Push Press)

Burn Strength

DB push press (5 X 7; Build or stay across. )


Metcon (Time)

With a Partner, 5 Rounds Each:

15 Deadlifts (95/65)(75/55)

12 Push Press

9 Box Jumps (30/24)(24/20)
You and your partner choose how you’d like to attack things today. You could rotate 1 round each at a time, by doing 1 movement each at a time, or even by splitting up reps each at a time.

Cool Down

Warm-up (No Measure)

For Recovery:

5:00 Foam Roll Upper Back + Tricep Smash

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