Monday – 2/22

The Port


1:00 “Easy” Bike – Note RPM’s
10 Wallball Front Squats
10t Wallball Reverse Lunges
10 90/90 Rotations
10 Trunk Rotations

1:00 “Moderate” Bike – Note RPM’s
10 Wallball Front Squats
10 Wallball Push Press
10t Spiderman Rotations

1:00 “Hard” Bike – Note RPM’s AND how you feel getting off the bike.
5 Slow Back Squats or 5e Reverse Lunges
10e Leg Swings
1:00 Bottom of Squat Hold


Back Squat (5-5-3-3-3)

Build from Moderate to Heavy. Between 70-90%.

Burn Strength

Burn: Back Rack Lunge (4×12)

One warm-up set and then 3 X 12 Across.

Done today with the barbell in the back rack position or with two dumbbells in the front rack position. Stepping backward.


2 Rounds for Time under a 10min CAP:

30 Wallballs
30/25 Cal Bike

When you are finished and after you catch your breath, hop back on your bike for a 4-5 min recovery ride.

Burn WOD

4 Rounds for Time:

15 Wallballs
15/12 Cal Bike

When you are finished and after you catch your breath, hop back on your bike for a 4-5 min recovery ride.


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