Port @ your Place – Monday 3/16

Check out the whiteboard video here:

Come by the gym Monday from 7 to 10 or 3 to 6 to sign out some equipment.
The at home programming will not require you to have any equipment, but the more you have the variety will be available. We would love it if you had a resistance band, a dumbbell, and a jump rope. If you have a home gym, feel free to reach out to see how to incorporate even more things into your daily programming. My goal is to stay as active as I can for the next 2 weeks both as an athlete and as a coach. You need a scaling option? Text me. You need a workout buddy? Let’s set up a virtual class. Stay in communication with me and this thing will be over before you know it.

Send us pictures or videos of you doing your Port @your Place workouts and we will share on our page.

ME set of perfect push-ups
Go to push-ups on your knees or with a monster band if your max set is less than 10.
Then, complete 8 sets of 30% of your ME set.

7 rounds
1:30 work/1:30 rest
20 backpack lunges
10 backpack jumping squats
Max burpees with time remaining
Score on Wodify is burpees per round.
Fill your backpack with whatever you have laying around the house and create something challenging for you. If you grabbed a DB from the gym, zip that into it.

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