Port @your Place – Wednesday 4/22

Weekly Challenge Wednesday
Your challenge for the rest of the week is to replace one unhealthy snack with a healthy one. It does not have to be every day. It doesn’t have to be every snack. Just be honest with yourself and take one thing out that you were going to eat, and replace it with something a little healthier.

Push Play Playlist for Wed April 22

:30 jumping jacks
:30 seal jacks
Then, 2 rounds of
10 arm circles forward
10 arm circles backward
10 good mornings
10 Y’s
10 T’s
10 air squats
10 cossack squats

Tempo push-ups – 5 to 10 reps each with a :04 negative right into a 1:00 plank hold.
Rest as needed, complete 5 rounds

“Melk Money”
400m run
20 dips
200m run
20 dips
400m run
Rest 4:00, repeat

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