PortX – Thursday 3/16

We will have a PortX generic warm-up. Something we can go through pretty efficiently while focusing on really warming the body.
20/15 cals on the AB
Then, 2 rounds
15 GHD sit-ups
15 GHD back ext.
10 strict pull-ups or ring rows
10 push-ups or strict ring dips
10 walking lunges
10 dislocates
10 OHS
10 banded pull aparts

Crusher WOD #1
4 stations
-each station is a 7 min AMRAP
-each rep scheme is an ascending ladder
**starting with 2, adding 2 reps every round
-each with 2 minute rest between stations

Station #1
Ring rows

Station #2
Hollow rocks
Tuck jumps

Station #3
New Mexico
Cals on a rower
Burpee broad jumps

Station #4
Air squats

Why did I pick those 4 states?!

Core Work
3-5 rounds
:05 hollow hold
5 crunches
5 v-ups
5e jackknives
:05 hollow hold
Rest :30 between rounds

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