Sunday – 03/14

The Port


5:00 of Foam Rolling and Mobility – Athlete’s Choice

+ 3 Rounds:
:30 Row; increasing intensity each round.
10 Box Step-Ups
10 Air Squats
5 Push-Ups + 5 Strict Pull-Ups


EMOM X 16:
Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row
Min 2: 12 Suitcase Hold Step-Ups (40/25)(35/30)*
Min 3: 6-8 Strict Pull-Ups
Min 4: :45 DB Thrusters

*Box height is a 90-degree set-up for you.

Score is DB Thruster Reps

Post-Workout Strength

Gymnastics Skill Work

3-4 Rounds:
12t Pistol Squats
:20 Ring Support or Hover Push-Up Hold
8 Strict Toes-to-Bar or Strict Knee Tucks

Josh and J.P

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