**Team Series WOD – Week 1**

The workout needs to be done and sent to me by email before noon on Saturday. You are not allowed to do the workouts during classes but there is plenty of gym time to get these WOD’s in. Including any open gym time, class on Friday or even after class on Saturday’s. All team members must do the workout at the same time, meaning you cannot do the workout separately and add times together. If there is a conflict, you must come talk to me before Friday, otherwise you will receive a zero for your team score. Have an absolute blast, and kick some serious ass.

Team Series – Week 1
WOD #1 – Professional Grade
Relay as MF pairs
Synchronized OtB burpees
Synchronized OHS (95/65#)
Synchronized pull-ups

Relay as MF pairs
3 rounds
30t synchronized OH walking lunges w/a plate (45/25#)
20 synchronized ring rows
10 synchronized burpees to the same plate

Male/female partner #1 will work all the way through the entire workout and then tag in their teammates. Time is recorded when second pair finish their part of the workout.
*synchronized means synchronized, not close enough

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