Tuesday – 4/20


Check your email for an important announcement about our new coaching staff!

New Class Times –
6:30 pm on Thursdays
2:30 pm Open Gym on Thursday and Fridays

Check out our Murph Prep Challenge!

Murph Prep Challenge!

The Port


2:00 Bike

+ 2 Rounds:
8 Scap Pull-Ups
8 Tuck-Ups
8 Banded Bent Over Rows
8 Up-Downs

+ 2 Rounds w/ a set of 2.5# weights:
5e I, T, Y
10 Scarecrow Rotations
Palm’s Up Front Raises


5-6 Minutes to go through Bar Muscle-Ups and Bar Muscle-Up Drills


EMOM X 10:
Evens: 1-2 Bar Muscle-Up Singles or 2-4 BMU Drills
Odds: :40 Bike; increasing intensity.

Burn Strength

EMOM X 15:
Min 1: 1:00 Plank with 2 Push-Ups at
0, :15, :30, :45, and :60
Min 2: 12 Dual DB Bent Over Rows
Min 3: :40 Bike at an easy-moderate pace.


For Time:
72/58 Cal Bike
48 Toes to Bar
24 Renegade Row (50/35)|(35/20)
12 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups

Burn WOD

3 Rounds For Time:
15/12 Cal Ski
15 Sit-Ups
12t Renegade Rows
9 Burpee Box Jumps (or plate hops)


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