Friday- 4/30

The Port – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds:

5 Cal Bike

5 Air Squats

5 Jump Squats

+ Scorpions, Spiderman Rotations, Couch Stretch.

+ 3 Rounds, increasing in weight w/ a core to extremity focus for those lifting today:

5 Deadlifts

5 Hang Muscle Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Thrusters

5 Push Press


Metcon (Weight)

Every :90 X 7 Sets; Building:

1 Front Squat + 1 Thruster + 1

Push Press

*Recovery bike in time remaining. From the

floor or from the rack.

Burn Strength

Metcon (Time)

4 Sets:

1:00 Wall-Sit

20t Leg Lift Overs

Rest 1:00 between rounds.


Metcon (Time)

1 Rounds AFAP:

20 DB Up-Down Deadlifts

40 DB Thrusters

60/50 Cal Bike

Burn WOD

Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

Every 4:00 X 6 Rounds:

8 DB Deadlifts

8 DB Front Squats

8 DB Push Press

12/10 Cal Bike Sprint

*These should be hard efforts today, where you

are getting at least :90 of rest each round.


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