Wednesday – 6/30


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Nominate The Port – CrossFit Portsmouth for the Best Fitness Center on the Seacoast!

The Port – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2:00 in Z1 +

Banded Shoulder Warm-Up

+ 3 Rounds:

5 Inchworm Push-Ups

10 Down Dog Shoulder Taps

3e Tabletop Bridge + Reach


S2OH complex 3.2 (1SP+2PP+3PJ) (5 Sets: Across. )

1 strict press + 2 push press + 3 push jerks

Burn Strength

A1: Seated DB Strict Press (4 X 12)

A2: Plank hold, DB switch (4 X 12)

Hold the plank position and use the opposite arm to drag a DB from the left to right and back, each side is one rep.


Metcon (Distance)

AMRAP 2:00 X 6 Sets:

300/250m Row

Max Effort HS Walk or Wall Walks in Time Remaining

Rest 2:00 Between Rounds.


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