WOD – Friday 11/1

Open WOD 20.4

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, complete for quality
10 air squats
10 step-ups
10 deadlifts
10 strict press
Add a little weight to your bar
8 air squats
8 box jumps
8 deadlifts
8 hang cleans
8 push press
Add a little weight to your bar
6e pistols or progression
6 box jumps
6 cleans
6 front squats
6 jerks
Add a little weight to your bar
4e pistols
4 box jumps
4 clean and jerks

Coach led mobility session

Open WOD 20.4
For time
30 box jumps (24/20″)
15 clean and jerks (95/65#)
30 box jumps
15 clean and jerks (135/85#)
30 box jumps
10 clean and jerks (185/115#)
30 pistols
10 clean and jerks (225/145#)
30 pistols
5 clean and jerks (275/175#)
30 pistols
5 clean and jerks (315/205#)
Time cap: 20 minutes

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