WOD – Friday 1/13

One week from today will mark the beginning of the next session of PortFit classes. This session is going to be dedicated to using the bench press, the deadlift, and the squat to get super strong.

PortPower is our spin on meathead city, these 6 weeks will be devoted to increasing your CrossFit tank top total. We will not only back squat, deadlift and bench press, but we will add in all necessary accessory exercises to increase your maxes safely. I mean who doesn’t love a good chest session with some reverse flys? This session will follow a well-proven strength cycle and is guaranteed to help with all aspects of your fitness. If you are interested, we have 2 spots left.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1.
Then 3 rounds
10 goblet squats
10 push-ups
10 sit-ups

Front rack prep
Wrist and forearm mobility
Squat holds (:20, stand, repeat)
*keep the KB and use it for the mobility piece

Front squat – 10×2 @60% E:60
Speed work. You’ll have plenty of time to warm up. It must be 60% and the reps should be done AFAP.

“Catch the Queen”
18 min AMRAP
25/20 cals on rower
20 KBS (70/5#)
15 box jumps
1 rope climb
*athletes that are proficient in the rope climb can add 1 a round.
Very different workout if you decide to add in a second rope climb. Remember the progressions for the rope climb from a couple of weeks ago. Laying down to a standing pull + 2 hanging knee raises + back down to a laying position might be the best substitution. However, we have the rope on the rig progression and the knotted rope. If you are just not interested in doing rope climbs, 3 pull-ups + 3 T2B without coming off the bar can be substituted for 1 rope climb.

Accessory Work
Grab a band and fix those shoulders!

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