WOD – Friday 12/8

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 deadlifts
10 push ups
20 air squats

Hamstring and shoulder prep for the strength

Speed EMOM – 10 min between 55 and 65%
Evens – 5 deadlifts
Odds – 5 bench press
A classic Port strength session. We have done it before and we will do it again. Look in Wodify and try to add a little bit of weight to each movement. We shouldn’t be using anything heavier than 65% however, unless your 1RM numbers are really old. If coaches see movements that are slow and struggling, they will politely ask to pull weight off the bar.

“Deluxe Edition”
10 min AMRAP
Increase reps by 1 each time;
1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean
1 bar facing burpee
Repeat WOD alert. Look back, see how it went, see what you used and create a plan. New year, new you. Get after this one. Mentally here’s whats going to happen. You’re going to crush through the one, two’s and three’s. You’re going to look at the time and you are going to have a coming to Jesus moment. Yes, there will be a lot of time on the clock, however, we have learned what it takes to make it through one of these workouts. We know what it is going to take to come out the other side with a score that you’re proud of. Connect to how you feel. Monitor and slow your breathing, slightly slow your movement and keep moving. Take your breaks between the cleans and the burpees, not between the power and squat clean.

Accessory Work
Russian twists – accumulate 100
Banded pull-aparts – accumulate 80
Strict T2B?hanging leg raises – accumulate 60

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