WOD – Friday 2/9

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 PVC dislocates
15 OH squats
10 push-ups

Hips, quads and OH position

OHS – find a 3RM with 3311 tempo and then a 1RM with no tempo
Obviously, a front squat can be subbed for those who cannot hit full ROM and intensity is sacrificed. Those that can should use the tempo as a way to warm up to a 3RM and then find a 1RM without that tempo.

“Not this time…”
Chest to bar pull-ups
10 front squats after every set (155/105#)(115/75#)
Scale the pull-ups to the hardest possible progression. If you set up a barbell and complete piked barbell rows, try pulling the bar a little lower on your body. Just working a bit harder will go a long way with this one.

Accessory Work
Banded tricep push downs – accumulate 100
Banded ab pull downs – accumulate 100

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