WOD – Friday 3/8

Well, 19.3 is a doozy. We got this though. We have been working on our HS walks, we have done plenty of step-ups lately. The HS push-ups are going to be the sticking point. Having a plan here will make a huge difference. So, what’s your plan?

3 rounds
200m row
8e step-ups (build in weight here)
8e strict press
10 push-up w/shoulder taps
10′ OH lunge (build in weight)
50′ bear crawl

Banded shoulder; monster band or band on rig

200′ DB OH lunge (50/35#)
50 DB box step-ups (24/20″)
50 strict HSPU’s
200′ HS walk
Time cap: 10 minutes
For scaling options please make sure you see a coach, so many different variations of this workout.

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