WOD – Friday 4/6

Don’t forget, fundraiser tomorrow during the 7, 8, and 9am classes with a knockout tournament to follow.

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, grab a box and complete 3 rounds
10 step-ups/box jumps *must step down
8 goblet squats
6 burpees

Box mobility to prep for squat cleans

Hang squat clean – 3 TnG reps EMOM for 6 minutes total
Use the EMOM to get better at something. Some will stay across, some will build. Either way you must do 3 reps in a row without dropping the bar. Be fast under that bar, tight at the bottom, core engaged the entire time.

“Go Getter”
14 min AMRAP
200m run
12 hang cleans (95/65#)(75/55#)
8 burpees
Half of the run on Wednesday. Everything stays the same except instead of running to the Harvey sign, we run to the Port sign. Back in the front door.

Accessory work
:05 hollow hold
5 crunches
5 v-ups
5e jackknives
:05 hollow hold
Rest :30 between rounds

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