WOD – Friday 4/14

You can be truly incredible at 1 thing. If you have no other distractions or responsibilities, the sky is the limit. If you spread that same effort out over 2 things, you can succeed at both. Be truly awesome at 2 different things. But as you continue to add priorities, your ability to excel at them starts to decrease. You can be great at 3 things and good at 4. Anything more than 4 things and your time, effort, patience and ability to balance is stretched so thin, that all of your responsibilities will suffer.

How many things are you juggling? Being a good husband/wife/boyfriend or girlfriend? Being a good father/mother? A good employee? A healthy person? Think about all the ways you spread yourself thin and think about which ones are truly important. Which ones make you happy. Can you trim the fat?

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
20t walking lunges
10 box jumps (step down)
:30 hollow hold

Three wiseman stretch.
Couch, pigeon, and spiderman.

Front rack walking lunge – find a 10RM + 1×10@90%
Can be off a rack or from the ground. It’s 10 lunges total, so 5 a side. We have done this before so look at Wodify and beat that score.

15 min AMRAP
20t walking lunges
15 cals on rower
10 hang power cleans (115/75#)(95/65#)
5 box jumps (30/24”)(24/20”)
*must step down
Favorite for the week. Lunges are bodyweight, box jumps are high. Everyone must jump, even if it’s to a 45# plate.

Accessory work
You want to squat more, then you have to squat more.
*optional second session on the back squat.
Back squat – Week 1 Day 2 optional
1×10 @60%
1×8 @65%
1×8 @70%
1×8 @75%

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