WOD – Friday 6/19

400m run
3 rounds
8 Half kneeling strict press
10 down dog push-ups
12 superman snow angels

Gymnastics strength
PortFit – HSPU
Complete 4 rounds
As many reps as possible with a :03 negative. Last rep hold HS for :30.
Rest 2:00 between rounds.
PortBurn – Seated DB strict press
Complete 4 rounds
As many reps as possible with a :03 negative. Last rep hold OH for :30.
Rest 2:00 between rounds.
Option 3 – Bodybuilding
5 rounds
10e SA DB robots
15 front raises
1:00 elevated plank hold

All tracks
3 to 4 rounds
3 min AMRAP
400m run
ME Russian KBS in time remaining
Rest 2:00
P@YP can sub DB swings
We have not had a max effort workout since we have been back. Get the prescribed work done as fast as you can so you can spend as much time as possible in the KBS. But be aware of the balance. Push the run too hard and you will have to take too many breaks in during the KBS. Do not push the run enough and you just wont have enough time to get as many reps as you want. Be smart and approach this one with a little bit of a plan.

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