WOD – Friday 7/17

200m run
10 kip swings
200m run
10 hanging leg raises

Core work
All tracks
3 rounds
20t plank hold, plate switches
20t Russian twists, slow
20t Paloff press

10 to 1
Every set starts with a 200m run

10 to 1
Laying toe touches
Every set starts with a 200m run
**P@YP Option – sub weighted sit-ups for T2B**

Fathom – moderate time domain. Around 15 minutes give or take depending on your run and T2B efficiency.
Gear – no part of this should feel sprint-like, pace the run and complete your reps of T2B. Some might get caught up in the 55 T2B reps, but remember it is 2000m of running. So when you go out the door, pace it like you are running 2000m, not 200.
Knots – the T2B are the only thing you want to protect. If you are worried about them going, break up the bigger sets to make sure they make it the duration.
Current – Simple flow here. Just make sure you are being responsible when you go out and come in from your runs.

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