WOD – Friday 8/16

3 rounds for quality
10/8 cals on a machine
10 KBS
10e KB push press

Barbell on rack
Standing child’s pose
Sink stretch
SA tricep stretch

Push press –
The push press is a leg movement disguised as a should movement. Get the bar into a solid rack position, dip straight down and use those big legs. Prioritize that drive because the more work your legs do, the less work your shoulder will have to.

This rep scheme is pretty much asking you to find a max at each set. Which means knowing your 5RM, 3RM and 1RM will be pretty important for this session. Sign in and check Wodify for those numbers so you can fill in the gaps for the 4RM and 2RM. This of you who might not have those numbers should work up to something really heavy for 5 and then continue to build as the reps decrease.

“Price Point”
16 min AMRAP
15 KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
12 T2B
100m shuttle run
This is a great workout to push a movement. If you had to rank these three, which is your weakest? You could then pace the rest of the workout so you could push your weakness. For most, it will be those pesky T2B. Instead of strategizing to produce the fastest time, why don’t you work on getting better at a movement that can really slow you down? Maybe we break up the KBS and slow a bit on the run so that we can look to go unbroken on the T2B. Or instead of breaking them up 6 and 6, maybe we try to hold a larger first set like 8 and 4. Find a way to improve today.

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