WOD – Monday 11/20

Prioritize and execute.

Remember, Team Series party and award show tonight at 7pm. Come celebrate an amazing 6 weeks while enjoying some pizza and adult beverages.

Spend 2 minites in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
15 OHS w/PVC round 1, w/BB round 2 and 3
10 push-ups
5 pull-ups or ring rows

Keg drill

OHS – find a heavy double
*athletes that cannot achieve full ROM can either work on form with light weight in sets of 5, or can front squat and find a 2RM
Coaching cue – one thing I have really tried to focus on with the OHS is the grip on the bar. If true external rotation is being achieved by the athlete, the hand could literally be open. Instead, most of us fake it and death grip the bar while allowing our shoulders to internally rotate.

“In the Teeth”
4 rounds
21 wall balls
15 T2B
9 OHS (135/95#)(115/65#)
Repeat WOD from August. Make sure you look back and try to either improve your time, or your movement. Maybe not all improvements show up on the scorecard at the end of the day. Simply challenging yourself to a harder workout is a PR. That’s a huge mental win. The OHS should be heavy. Like ‘just making it to 9’ heavy. Focus on a truly active OH position. There are 2 ways to get the bar overhead.

Accessory Work
Banded leg curls – accumulate 100t
Banded pull-throughs – accumultate 100

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