WOD – Monday 11/7

So this happened this weekend. What an awesome time. CrossFit Portsmouth vs. CrossFit Free. 150 people working out at once. Just a truly incredible environment.

It was also the end of our 8 week team series. I cannot describe how amazing it’s been watching teams battle it out over the course of this 2 month competition. Congrats to all, results will be published and a king/queen will be crowned.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
3 rounds
7 burpees
9 ring rows
12t lunges
:20 HS hold

Posterior chain prep for deadlifts

A1. Deadlift – 3×3 AHAP
A2. HSPU’s – 2×6-12 + 1 ME set
*2 reps short of failure
**last week of this cycle, finish strong

“Cherry Coke”
60 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
EMOM – 10 G2OH w/plate (45/45#)
Short and fast. I’d love everyone to jump so scale the box height accordingly. Even if that means they are jumping up onto a 45# plate.

Cool Down
Foam roll the posterior chain before you go!

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