WOD – Monday 12/23

Make sure you know the schedule this week. Shortened schedule

Warm-up and Mobility
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
The Port’s snatch warm-up
Emphasis on catch and squat

CF Strength
Weightlifting complex – 1 snatch + 1 hang snatch + 1 OHS
Complete 1 lift every :90 for 6 to 8 lifts total
Build or stay across
The weightlifting complex is created to provide you with one lift you are confident in and one lift that makes you a little uncomfortable. For me, looking at these three lifts, I am limited by the hang snatch even if I catch in a squat. I can probably power snatch from the ground the same amount of weight that I can squat snatch from the hang. That being the case my major focus today would be to catch in a powerful power position when pulling from the floor and then forcing myself under the bar from the hang.

You might attack this one a little differently based on your strengths and weaknesses, but when you approach this session have an idea to how you are going to improve and walk away from this lifting session a little bit better than when you walked in.

CF and Burn WOD
“Grey Zone”
5 rounds
1:30 wall sit
:45 DB squat cleans (50/35#)(40/25#)
Rest 1:00
Intended stimulus – just an absolute leg burner. Your clock doesn’t start until you have created two ninety degree angles against the wall. One by your knees and the other between your thighs and stomach. As soon as you’re off the wall, grab the DB’s and go unbroken. Try to get 15 reps each round. Force a quick pace and try to hold on for that minute rest between rounds.

This one will be easy to find corners to cut, but holding yourself accountable will make this workout very challenging.

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