WOD – Monday 12/3

December is the month of the goal. We would like each of you to think about something that gets you excited about achieving. How can we help you get there? Whether it is 10 unbroken DU’s, your first pull-up, Rx a WOD with HS walks in it, or even increasing your strict press by 5#. A little focused attention will go a long way. Talk to a coach and develop a plan for the month of December.

It being December, there will be a modified holiday schedule.
Saturday 12/22 – Normal Schedule
Sunday 12/23 – Normal Schedule
Monday 12/24 (Christmas Eve) – 7am, 9am ONLY!
Tuesday 12/25 (Christmas) – CLOSED
Wednesday 12/26 – 9am, Noon & 4:15pm ONLY!

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 SL RDL’s
10 banded pull-throughs
10 KB sumo DL’s

Posterior chain prep for strength

Sumo deadlift –
Why sumo?
It is important to use both set ups for balance. However the sumo is much more beneficial because it will significantly increase your conventional deadlift AND your sumo deadlift, but, because of the differences in set-up, there are far less risks with the sumo deadlift. A more upright torso put less strain on the lower back while it allows for an easier engagement of the posterior chain. Making the big muscles do all the moving, and letting the little muscles act as stabilizers, something they much prefer.

Why do we use the conventional deadlift at all then? Well because of its obvious overlap to the olympic lifts. A conventional deadlift and a clean are very similar in setup and execution.

“Festival of Lights”
3 rounds
10 DB snatch (50/35#)(40/25#)
10 OH lunges
40 DU’s
10 DB snatch (50/35#)(40/25#)
10 OH lunges
40 DU’s
10 snatches and 10 lunges on the right side, then 40 DU’s.
10 snatches and 10 lunges on the left side, then 40 DU’s.
Repeat for 3 rounds total. The OH lunges are with a DB locked out overhead while 10 lunges are completed, alternating legs but keeping the DB in the same hand.

Accessory Work
SL banded leg extensions – accumulate 100t
V-ups – complete 50

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