WOD – Monday 1/9

Next week will be the first class of the second session of our new PortFit specialty courses. Each 6 week session has a different theme and this one is based around powerlifting. PortPower is a CrossFit Portsmouth spin on meathead city, these 6 weeks will be devoted to increasing your CrossFit tank top total. We will not only back squat, deadlift and bench press, but we will add in all necessary accessory exercises to increase your maxes safely. I mean who doesn’t love a good chest session with some reverse flys? This session will follow a well-proven strength cycle and is guaranteed to help with that puny bench press. There are only 2 spots left for each time slot, so if you’re interested email Sophie and lock in your spot.
Thursdays 8am OR 5:15pm — January 19th – February 23rd

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 2 rounds of “Cindy”
15 air squats
10 push-ups
5 strict pull-ups or ring rows

Set up a bar in a rack and work through the movements and stretches
10 pause back squats
10 good mornings
10 lunges
Standing quad stretch

A1. Back squats – find a new 3RM in 3 heavy sets.
A2. T2B – 6 to 10 perfect strict reps, 3-4 sets total
Second to last week. Find a 3RM this week, then a 1RM next week.

“Truth will carry us”
2 min AMRAP
7 burpee box jump overs
15/12 cals on AB
Max wall balls (20/14#) in time remaining
Rest 1:00, x6
*Score is total number of wall balls
Make this one hurt. Each mini AMRAP should be treated as a sprint. So set up efficiently and get your mind right. Think about sustaining 85-90% of max effort for all 6 rounds. No rest until the rest, got it!?

Cool Down
Roll those legs out – quads, IT band and hmastrings.

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