WOD – Monday 2/3

The Nate challenge is tomorrow!!!!

A fundraiser that benefits One Summit – a nonprofit with a mission of building resilience in kids battling cancer through experiential learning and mentorship with U.S. Navy SEALs. Here is how the Challenge works!

We will be asking our members to participate in the hero WOD “Nate” on Tuesday, February 4th. Given that it is an AMRAP, we are asking everyone to make a donation to our team’s page for every round completed. All of the proceeds will benefit One Summit. If you donate fractions of a dollar for each round you complete, we can beat our donation from last year.

Follow the link and sign up now!

Also, new monthly challenge!!!!
This month the coaches challenge YOU to step up your game inside and outside of the gym. We have come up with a mini challenge for each day of the month. They vary from fitness, nutrition and over well being.

How many can you complete? Pick up a calendar sheet from one of the coaches & let’s do this!

– Check off each square you complete.
– You MUST complete the task on that specific day.
– Honors system.
– You MUST hand in your sheet by the end of day Monday 3/2.
– Athlete(s) who complete the most challenges WIN!

1 rounds for quality
600m row
30t walking lunges
400m row
20t jumping lunges

Front squat mobility session

CF Strength
Front Squat – 6×2; all sets done heavier than last weeks weights
The heaviest weight we have seen so far. As a checkpoint, we are looking to be as close to 85% as possible. If you can put more weight on the bar, that’s great. Just make sure you are adding to last week and holding it across for all 6 sets.

“Denim Dan”
14 min AMRAP
1000m row
50 back squats (95/65#)((75/55#)
Intended stimulus – we are looking to settle into a really good pace here. If 10% is you sitting on an assault bike pedaling without using your hands and 100% is how hard you would run if you had to do 1 one hundred meter sprint, we want to start and finish around 70%. That will prove to be a lot easier on the rower because the data on the monitor will help you stay smart. However, when it comes to the barbell, the back squats will quickly increase your pace and try to force you into a higher heart rate zone. Do not let it. Break the reps up with intent and hold yourself accountable to taking breaks and trying to control your breathing.

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