WOD – Monday 6/6

Huge shout out to Arch, Eric T. and Hyatt who took third place in the Summer Smackdown comp in Nashua on Saturday. It was a very challenging competition and this team really showed up. Nice job boys.

3 rounds
200m run
5 pull-ups
10 air squats
5 push-ups

Front squat mobility

Front squat – find a new 1RM
*go in with a plan and work efficiently. 15 min max,

“Curious Jorge”
7 min AMRAP
7 wall balls (20/14#)
7 burpees
Rest 5:00
8 min AMRAP
5 HSPU’s
10 box jumps (24/20”)
50 DU’s

Accessory Work
Body building sesh;
10 bicep curls
10 tricep kickbacks
10 bent over rows

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