WOD – Monday 7/2

Happy July. Remember, modified schedule to celebrate the 4th on Wednesday. Make sure you check Wodify so you aren’t showing up to a class that isn’t happening.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 steps left/right with monster band
15 air squats
10 banded high pulls

The Port squat series

A. Weighted pull-ups – 6×3; AHAP
B. Back squat – warm up to weight to be used in the WOD
So weighted pull-ups are the strength, but the back squat. They can be scaled to piked rows, ring rows or partner assisted pull-ups (the best alternative by far).

The back squat session is meant to be used to warm-up and find the right weight for the WOD. This weight should be really heavy, and 10 UB squats should be no problem.

The Port fitness test #3.
20 back squats (225/155# or BW)
2 mile run
20 back squats (225/155# or BW)
We haven’t done this one in a long time for obvious reasons. We need the nice weather, so we do it once a year. The Rx is bodyweight or 225/155# whatever is the higher number. Think about the weight being between 55 and 65%. True Rx should be off the ground, but anyone nervous with that can pull from the rack.

Accessory Work
Banded face pulls – accumulate 100
Push-ups – accumulate 80 to 100

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