WOD – Monday 8/28

Congratulations to all the teams that competed this weekend in Nashua. Every single athlete worked their butts off while representing The Port in the most amazing way. Couldn’t have been more proud at all who went.

Also on Sunday, I got to watch the State Police put on a K9 demonstration at Odiorne. It was truly incredible to watch. Badass.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
10 KBS
10 goblet squats
10 push-ups
10 ring rows

Couch stretch
Ankle mobility
Front rack prep

Front squats – 5×3; building to a heavy triple
More and more different squats will be playing a role in our programming now that we are through the back squat and deadlift cycle. Let’s really focus on building really good movement. There is nothing more impressive than athletes who can perform a really good squat. Make sure to focus on staying upright, midline stability and pushing your hips between your heels. As you drive through, keep your hips underneath you and that bar in a solid front rack. As you increase the weight, rely on good form more and more.

“Fan Favorite”
5 rounds
10 T2B
10 power cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
10 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
Rest 1:30
There is no room for rest in the middle of this workout, so make sure you scale the movements and weights to ensure that you keep moving. No 2 for 1 T2B. You could do singles on the barbell if you pace it well. Since you won’t be getting a 1:1 work to rest ratio you must think about finding an appropriate pace for the WOD. It cannot be an all out sprint, but that doesn’t mean you can’t move at 90%.

Accessory Work
Banded pull throughs – accumulate 100
Dead bugs – accumulate 100t

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