WOD – Saturday 3/16

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 4 min AMRAP
10 goblet squats
10 KBS
10 push-ups

The Port squat mobility

Back squat –
1×5@70%, 1×4@75%, 1×3@80%, all singles between 85 and 90%
*add 5 to 10# to each lift from 3/4
Another session of our back squats. Adding weight to the last session. Best way to do this is write down what weights you did last time and plan where you hope to go today, adding 5 to 10# to each set weight.

“Like to go Fast”
30 thrusters (75/55#)(65/45#)
60 sit-ups
100m shuttle run
20 thrusters
50 sit-ups
100m shuttle run
10 thrusters
40 sit-ups
100m shuttle run
Everything decreases in reps as the WOD progresses minus the shuttle run. The thrusters are light enough that you can really go after these large sets. Rest in your sit-ups. Or better yet, rest when you are done.

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