WOD – Saturday 3/31

Last day of spring. Last day to sign up for PortSwole. If you have already signed up, look for your email tomorrow and your invitation into the group on Facebook. Please make sure you lay out your tank tops and grab a gallon of water for the swole sessions that are about to kick you in the pants.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
20 air squats
15 sit-ups
10 burpee broad jumps
5 strict pull-ups + 10 kip swings

Got to get that squat mobility in and some rotational drills to prep for the bench

10 min EMOM
Evens – 5 back squats
Odds – 10 SA DB bench press
Weights should be light enough where 5 reps are fast and perfect. Think anywhere between 50 and 70%. It’s a SA DB bench press, meaning one arm is locked out while the other is completing all 10 reps, then switch. Weights are going to be all over the place, so if DB’s don’t fit, KB’s could be substituted.

“Jump Off”
16 min AMRAP
18/15 cals row
15 power cleans (115/75#)(95/65#)
12 box jumps
9 T2B
Pretty simple workout. But take a look at the movements and rep schemes. Where could you scale back the movement a little bit in order to keep moving with intensity? Where can you push and where should you rest? How long should round 1 take vs round 3? Listen to your coach and go in with a plan.

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