WOD – Saturday 5/4

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
20t step-ups
10 box dips
20 sit-ups
:10 HS hold

Box mobility session

Back rack reverse lunges – 5×10; AHAP
*think about what you would put on the bar here if this was back squats (about 70% of your 1RM), then multiply that number by 0.65. Just to give you a ballpark.
We should really try to work on getting stronger with unilateral movements. Everything in real life is all single arm and/or single leg. So being confident in your single leg or single arm strength will prepare you for all that housework. Plus when you can lunge more weight, you can squat more weight and who doesn’t like that?

4 rounds
15 hang squat cleans (95/65#)(75/55#)
30 push-ups
This is a fun one, plus you can get a little pump on. As we have worked on a lot lately, pacing will be your friend here. Weight on the bar should be something you can do big sets of, getting the squats cleans done in 2 or 3 sets.

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