WOD – Saturday 6/9

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 ring rows
10 push-ups
10 air squats

Light band mobility session

10 min EMOM
Evens – 3 to 5 strict pull-ups
Odds – 3 to 5 strict HSPU’s or 8 to 10 seated DB strict press
Gymnastics strength session. Keep killing these. We have been doing such a great job working hard on each set. Continue to prioritize set up and execution as much as numbers and reps. That is how you get better.

“The Director”

But, after every round. complete
200m run
20t OH walking lunges (45/25#)
So 30 T2B, 200m run, 20t OH walking lunges with a plate. Then 20 T2B, 200m run, and 20t walking lunges. Pretty straightforward workout. Nothing sneaky about it.

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