WOD – Saturday 6/10

Yesterday marked the last PortFit gymnastics class. It was an awesome session. We are going to take a week off and then start our last of the 6 week program. This one is going to be devoted to building your aerobic engine. Using the rower, the assault bike, and your favorite running sneakers, we will work through a program devoted to helping you build your ‘wind’. There will be one class a week where we will focus not only on the goal of the workout but also pacing and some form work. There will be a secondary workout for you to complete on your own. If you are interested, please email Sophie to secure a spot. This one couldnt come at a more perfect time.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
10 KBS (start Russian, finish American)
10 goblet squats
10 push-ups
:20 HS hold

Banded pec and tricep stretch
Rotational drills
Banded pull-aparts

Bench press – 5×3; all sets AHAP
2:00 rest between each

Lurong Challenge WOD#4
12 min AMRAP
30 cal row
2 rounds of “Cindy”
Probably a good reason they switched up the workouts, kind of a cool one, wonder where they got the idea? We might have seen one just like it 4 months ago. Make sure you get all the details from either myself or Sophie before Saturday. Last Lurong workout.

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