WOD – Saturday 6/11

*Start by coming in and spending 5 minutes on smashing your hamstrings. With a ball, on a box.
2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds of
6 burpees
8 jumping squats
10 Russian KBS

Posterior chain prep

A1. Deadlift – 2.2 cluster; building to a max
*Looking to hit more than your 4RM
A2. HS holds – :20 to :30 each attempt
*Nose and toes only; press hard into the ground and squeeze
**Look to transition to free standing, or HS walking!

“One Dance”
DB thrusters (45/30#)
x2 DU’s
400m run
*after every round

Cool Down
400m cool down run and 5 minutes of stretching before you leave

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