WOD – Saturday 6/3

Day 3 of the L-sit challenge. The L-sit is like broccoli, you might not like it now, but wait until you have abs. You love it then.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 KBS
10 goblet squats
10 push-ups

Squat mobility;
Those who are going to front squat should also include some front rack and ankle prep.

Front squats – 3×5
Warm up and complete all three sets as close to 85% as possible.
Plenty of time to warm-up, 3 really heavy sets of 5 w/2:00 rest or more in between.
Back Squat – Week 8 Day 2
2×5@65%, 3×5@70%
*your choice; savages will ask for both servings…

Luring WOD #3
10 min AMRAP
3 thrusters (95/65#)(75/55#)
3 bar facing burpees
30 DU’s
6 thrusters
6 bar facing burpees
30 DU’s
9 thrusters
9 bar facing burpees
30 DU’s
Always increasing by 3 reps

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