WOD – Saturday 7/13

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
10 KB push press left
100’ waiters carry left
10 KB push press right
100’ waiters carry right
50’ walking lunges
50’ bear crawl

Lunge prep – ankle, knee, quads and hamstrings

Back rack lunges – 4×8; AHAP
Simple unilateral training. Put something heavy on the bar and complete 8 total lunges. Keep the front knee over the front ankle and the back knee under the back hip. Remember to step wide and train a good, strong position.

“Too Much Between”
2 min AMRAP
12 S2OH (135/95#)(115/75#)
ME cals on the rower with time remaining
Rest 2 min, x5
The weight on the bar will be very important today. If you go too heavy and have to put the bar down, you will be losing valuable time on the rower. But if you go too light, it would produce the fatigue needed to hit the intended stimulus. Talk with your coach to determine what that weight should be.

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