WOD – Saturday 7/7

We are going to change things up for the month of July. Each week we will release a mini AMRAP, :90 each. You can do this mini workout as many times as you want, but can only submit your best score. Once the week is over, you can no longer attempt that WOD, your score must be submitted and you must move on to the next one. After the three weeks are done, we can crown a champion based on the performance of all 3 WOD’s.
We will hold off starting these until after the holiday week, so…
Week 1 WOD – Monday 7/9 to Sunday 7/15 – Max burpees in :90
Week 2 WOD – Monday 7/16 to Sunday 7/22 – Max Cals on the assault bike in :90
Week 3 WOD – Monday 7/23 to Sunday 7/29 – Max DU’s in :90

2:00 of double under’s
3 rounds of
10 deadlifts
10 hang cleans
2:00 of double under’s

Posterior chain prep

Power clean – 1 lift EMOM building to a max, however, you must complete 20 DU’s before you pick up the bar.
It is incredibly taxing, so warm up and make a plan. 10 lifts are a lot, so either start heavy and build small or start light and make bigger jumps. Looking to hit between 90 and 100% of the old 1RM. Hell maybe even find a new one rep max.

“Pick your Poison”
15 min AMRAP
300m shuttle run (50 down, 50 back, x3)
18 OHS (95/65#)(75/55#)
15 burpees
12 ring dips
Very different distance and set up for the run. Down and back 50m three times, shuttle run will be challenging and should really help in the time domain. OHS are light but obviously can be scaled to front squats if the ROM isn’t there. Lastly, let’s make sure we go through the dip progression to ensure we are choosing the right option.
1. Ring dips
2. Dips on the 2 different GHD handles or dip station. (2 tall boxes with heavy DB’s on top)
3. Box dips
4. Push-ups
Dips are hard and should be scaled. At least have a backup plan when you start to go. Lets try to stay away from just grabbing a band.

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