WOD – Saturday 8/11

Remember, 1 week from today is our annual beach WOD which means two things guaranteed.
1. Everyone who comes is going to a point for monthly challenge, #theportoutside
2. The only thing that feels worse than burpees in the gym are burpees in the sand.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 push-ups
5 kick up to handstands with short hold
10 hollow rocks

Shoulder prep for HSPU’s

HSPU’s – complete 2 sets of 4 to 8 reps every :90 for 5 rounds total
*build off last session 7/18
You guys know the deal with this one. We have been doing this once a month. Build off the last session.

“Dump and Chase”
22 min AMRAP
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15/12 cals row, 12/10 cals AB or 200m run
*must switch between the 3 every round
Repeat workout. Pretty straightforward WOD. Everyone will be challenged here despite your strengths and weaknesses. Attack this one head on and put a solid number into Wodify that you’re proud of. Good reps with full ROM every time.

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