WOD – Sunday 11/14

Last day to sign up for the endurance program. Week 1 starts tomorrow.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10t step-ups
10 KBS
10 push-ups

Box mobility session

Weighted step-ups – 4x8e
No rush here. Take the time to find a good set-up that works for you. Grab a box that puts you at parallel and two heavy KB/DB that challenge each rep. Do not rush through these and hold yourself accountable for driving through full ROM.

“The Reaper”
3000m row
Every 3:00
12 KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
6 burpees
The Reaper. One I have done many times. Make sure you start with the 12 KBS and 6 burpees and do that quickly enough as to where you have time to accumulate some meters.

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