WOD – Sunday 12/11

As we close the third week examining our core values, I challenge you to make time to be grateful. Over the next few weeks, as we edge closer to a holiday filled with family and friends, take time out of your day to reflect on things that you are truly grateful for. Remember, they do not have to be big things, and they definitely don’t have to be gym things, but what are you grateful for?

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds
50′ bear crawl
15 Russin KBS
10 v-ups
5 strict pull-ups


HS walking practice 10-15 minutes
Best person to teach HS walking and the progressions we teach at CFP, Tom the gymnast.

“Trails and Tribulations”
Buy in – 200 DU’s
Then 4 rounds of
15t walking lunges
10 T2B
15t walking lunges
20 KBS
Can’t do double under’s. Ugh, learn them. 400 singles it is.

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