WOD – Sunday 3/31

Looking back at your open performance, what are things that went well and what are some things you might need to work on. Reflecting on the last 5 weeks will really help you fill some gaps by working on your weaknesses. Your coaches are here to help.

Was it your engine that failed you? If so, the Port has a 6-week engine building program that you can add into your training. It’s 2 additional sessions a week, on the rower and/or assault bike and it’s guaranteed to help your overall endurance.

Was it a certain skill? Find a coach and schedule your skill session. You know they are built into your current membership. Or, if you want help developing a skill, make time to work with a coach and build a plan.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, dynamic warm-up as a class
Group joint mobility

A1. Half kneeling, DB press – 4x10e
A2. Strict pull-ups – 4×3 w/3333 tempo
If you came in yesterday and did the WOD, flip your grip today and complete chin-ups. But keep the tempo; 3333.

When talking tempo when doing pull-ups,
• The first number (3) is the eccentric, or lowering, component of the lift, so the “negative” aspect of the pull-up
• The second number (3) represents any pause at the midpoint, today would be pausing with your chin over the bar.
• The third number (3) is the concentric, or lifting, component, so pulling yourself up towards the bar.
• Finally, the fourth number (3) denotes any rest between reps, today there is 3 second of rest between each rep.
Try not to come off the bar for all 3 of these reps.

“Great Benefits”
With a partner
100 cals AB
100 S2OH (115/75#)(95/65#)
100e goblet lunges
*only 1 person working at a time until you get to the lunges
The bar will be taken off the ground, be smart with weight. Only one person working at a time until you get to the lunges. These must be synchronized goblet lunges. So that 100 each!

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