WOD – Sunday 4/15

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
The Port snatch warm-up with a huge emphasis on power position

Power snatch – 1 rep EMOM for 8 minutes total; build.
Good old fashioned power snatch work.

“The Claw”
15 min AMRAP
60 DU’s
40t OH walking lunges (45/25#)(25/15#)
200m farmers carry w/2 plates (25/15#)
Need 3 plates here. 1 to go overhead with and 2 to take on a walk. No fingers in the middle of the weights. Only holding the weights from the top. Claw style. I know you hate these, but they are so good for you. Strong grip means healthy elbows and shoulders.

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